Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • English controlled assessment

    ‘Compare the ways emotions are presented in Macbeth and Christmas Carol’ Macbeth opens with a battle between the Scottish and the Norwegians. Emotions are presented through the description of how Macbeth and Banquo fought in battle.

  • Hw

    1) freedom of speach is the idea that publicaly and through the media , we can say what we want about any race religion or ethnicity as long as there is no physical contact 2)q

  • writing to respond

    Dear Ms Samantha Taylor,                                            After reading your article about the digital age is making teenagers uniquely shallow and the kids are unable to form meaningful relationships, I have come to a conclusion that I am not entirely sure that the points of people like Franzen and Louis C.K are entirely agreeable with. The authors…

  • cover work

    b) The poppies have been place in remembrance of the dead as the blood of the dead soldiers mixed with red of the poppy fields in Flanders. In the poem the protagonist places a poppy in the lapel of a fallen brother in arms.

  • Out Of The Blue Reflection

    The poem OOTB is based on the events of 9/11. It is written in the perspective of one the 9/11 jumpers. It is written in a first person and second person narrative. In the poem there is a significant amount of repetition in the poem as well as internal rhyme. The poet uses a technique…

  • poetry structure

    How have structural choices made by the poet enhance our understanding of the themes explored the poem Hawk Roosting? The poem is about the first person description of a hawk. This hawk is describing what its like to be it. The poet Ted Hughes uses many techniques to create this poem. He uses animorphism to…

  • comparing poetry

    The two poems I will be comparing are ‘at the border’ and ‘Belfast confetti’. At the border is based on a poets description of her refugee journey from Iraq to Kurdistan whereas Belfast Confetti is based on terrorist attacks in Belfast during the Irish civil war. At the Border is about a past conflict. Hardi…

  • come on come back

    1) We know that the first stanza sets the scene for Vaudevue’s death because the writes ‘left by the ebbing tide of battle’. This means that she was left behind by the battle. This is very likely meaning that she was left for dead by the aftermath of war. 2) This poem uses features which…

  • the right word reflection

    This poem is about a person, who is in their home and that person is describing what she sees out side in the dark. The poet uses the first word that comes to the poets mind to describe what the poet sees outside. Imtiaz Dharker uses words like terrorist, freedom fighter, hostile militant and guerilla…

  • radio speech Media demonisation of Islam

    The racism towards Islam in the media in the media post 9/11 needs to stop now! There have been too many cases of hate towards Islam which have been sparked by the media, most of these have been caused by group like British first, B.N.P and E.D.L. The actions from a minority of extremists has…

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