Dawn of the dead film review

Dawn of the dead (George A. Romero): When a zombie plague spreads a group of survivors must stick together and shoot the zombies in the brain in order to survive, they mainly stay at a shopping center.

George A Romero is the mastermind of zombie films, he is the Hitchcock of horror and much more. This classic Zombie flick is one of the most anticipated films of all time and has been remade in 2004 by Zack Snyder. This film features many hidden messages like capitalist messages e.g. capitalists are people who believe that shopping is the right way and in this film Romero Shows the zombies pushing shopping carts and the message is that if you shop you are just like the brain dead.

Zack Snyder’s adaptation of the film is much more fast paced because now the zombies can run which creates faster suspense where as in the Romero version, the zombies could only walk. This meant there was a slower suspense which also got you to mentally think that something might happen to you if you were in the dark. Since Romero’s was colour and had no animations or good make up, the lighting had a large effect for the viewer. Snyder’s version was made in colour so lighting meant more suspense and more tension e.g. a random character is in a dark room with the light flickering and suddenly a hand appears from the shadows and pulls him back. This description of a made up scene gives you an image of the suspense that happens in Snyder’s adaptation of the original.

In Snyder’s adaptation the main character is a played by Sarah Polley who was a very good lead actress. In Zombie films you don’t usually see many lead female actresses as the main character. I feel like this is something more directors should have in zombie films however it should be to an extent only because I don’t want to be seeing actresses like Kate Blanchet or Emma Watson ruining the film like they would usually do but actresses like Cameron Diaz or Sigourney Weaver would definitely be great for a zombie film.


I think that the original Dawn of the dead is better because of the differences in moto’s and also who can not say that the head-shot scene at the beginning of the film was amazing so all in all I give Romero’s a 10/10 and Snyder’s a 6/10 only because in the differences in technology and also what kept Snyder’s on a six was the fact that Sarah Polley did a great job in the film.






3 responses to “Dawn of the dead film review”

  1. Lethaniel Avatar

    Dion I liked how you have summed up the plot and the character without spoling the movie and the fact you have a verdict. It would be better if you followed a certain clearer strature but overall this is a brilliant peice of work, well done

    1. jcd gaming hd Avatar
      jcd gaming hd

      i have read your work and have found that you have a very clear structure of how it is set out. I like your logline and i like how you have talked about the film without spoiling it for someone who has not seen it keep it up, Dion.

  2. jnorth Avatar

    Hello Dion,

    Your review follows a clear structure and I like that you have made some clear comparisons between Romero’s original film and Snyder’s remake.

    I am also pleased to see that you have tried to explore the difficult concept of allegory here with the director expressing the idea that they disagree with capitalism. Good work.

    Target: you must consistently develop your vocabulary to a higher standard and how you might use this vocabulary to sophisticated effect. Start this by re-reading your work – each time you use the word ‘good’ or repeat ‘effect’, what might you substitute these words for? Why?


    Mr North
