
Darkness…darkness is all I can feel. It’s all I can hear. It’s all I can touch. Darkness. I have never been so alone. I have never been so blind. I have never had such a lust for blood. What they did to me will not be forgotten. Damn them to hell. Sometimes I wish I could go back and had never commit those actions. I was a prisoner to my own darkness and fear. I wasted away in my room for 9 years but then the moment came, the moment which changed a small boy named Yuri and changed him to who I am now as now I am known as the Smiling Jack. It first happened when I was still Yuri.

Social worker report may 27th 1996
Today Yuri was tasked with handling the forklifts to place pallets of old radioactive waste as a part of a cleanup program due to a local power plant failure. Yuri is showing signs of charisma and he is working well with the rest of the workers. So far there are no signs that he is unstable as claimed by his former employer. The report filed against Yuri stated that he had threatened to burn his old workplace down if he did not receive his promised promotion however after some convincing, his former employer did not press charges on the alleged threats made by Yuri.

Social worker report July 19th 1996
Yuri has made so much progress over the few months he has been working here. His mental state seems to be perfectly fine and his physical state is also great. I feel that over the course of the rest of the year he will be promoted and will be in a good enough state so there will be no need for me to do his reports anymore.

Social worker report August 1st 1996
Today seemed like the day Yuri could have turned unstable again. After a worker and him had a heated argument which could have resulted in a serious injury. See incident report filled below.
Incident report August 1st 1996
Yuri Breckovic and co worker David Hartell had a heated argument reason unknown and Yuri had pulled out a steel pipe and struck David causing large bleeding. Yuri has been suspended from one weeks pay and David has been given 2 weeks off from work.

‘Reports from witnesses are that the psychopath known as The Smiling Jack has struck again in the streets of Chicago Illinois. CPD officials have stated that 5 more victims have been found dead in an old warehouse down town. Official reports show that the victims were male in their mid 20’s and were found with no faces and a smile embedded on their skulls. One of the victims was a social worker who had been doing a series of reports on a man named Yuri Breckovic however the pages were torn out leading officials to believe that the identity of the smiling Jack has finally been found. Brett Johnson Channel 44 news.’

I am not sorry for what I have done. They deserved it. I was their little experiment and they just used me for results.

I was a prisoner to society. Don’t you realize you are too.

The way they send these social workers to keep tabs on you to make sure that you’re in line. That’s why I did it. Being a prisoner to darkness….fear…and society. Open your minds and see that what they have done to us. I killed them and I did it for the freedom of myself. However….the darkness will never stop consuming me…the fear will never stop haunting me…for I am alone







4 responses to “Darkness”

  1. Ms Pinto Avatar
    Ms Pinto

    Hi Dion,

    You have chosen a very challenging and engrossing storyline and have enjoyed the protagonist’s voice.

    This piece needs to be structured into paragraphs. The rules of a new paragraph are as followed –

    – When you start in on a new topic
    – When you skip to a new time
    – When you skip to a new place
    – When a new person begins to speak
    – When you want to produce a dramatic effect

    Also you need to bring alive the setting. I can’t really imagine what it looks like or where on Earth it is.

    1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

      This is great, precise feedback, Ms Pinto. You must be an Awesome Teacher.

      Unlocked: Awesome Teacher

  2. Ms Pinto Avatar
    Ms Pinto

    Dion should be super proud of how he is progressing with his writing.

    1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

      I agree – what I love about Dion is how committed he is to himself as a writer. He has for many years written independently of his school work. I’d not be surprised at all if he were one day a novelist or journalist.
